Valentines Day SMS Messages Collection
love valentines day sms, funny valentines day messages, happy valentines day greetings, best valentines wishes, romantic valentines text msgs
Happy Valentines Day from me to you. So glad i sent a card to you. You know how I feel you know what i want. So when you're ready help me out. Tonight I'll be the man of your dreams. Tomorrow I'll be the man of your life. I'll take your hand I'll take your mind. I'll take you to a little place of mine. I'll see you smile I'll see you cry. But I'll never be a man who cheat or Lie's.
That Awkward Moment, When You Realize 'Valentine's Day' Is Approaching Fast And The 0nly 0ne Who Loves You Is Your PET.
If I Worked At A Restaurant On Valentine's Day I Would Put A Fake Engagement Ring In Every Girl's Food. Just To Look At Her Reaction :D
Find that guy that will pick up every piece of your shattered heart & put it back together; Replacing it with a piece of his!!
Happy Valentines Day
So Many Time I Thought I'd Never Find Sum1 To Love Me d Way I Needed to be Loved Then
You Came In My Life & Showed Me What True Love Really Is :)
Happy Valentine's Day
Ever since you walked into my life my meaning of life has changed i have rearranged my entire way of looking at things and all of this is because of you. You are the shining star in my private galaxy. I Love You.
True meanings of love:
If its bcoz of her eyes, lips or body, its not love its" LUST".
If its bcoz of her intelligence or insight about life, its not love,its "ADMIRATION".
If its bcoz she cries evrytime You try to leave her, its not love its "PITY".
If its bcoz she makes You forgot to study n sleep, its not love its "INFATUATION"
"LOVE is...!
W U do not know why You seem to b attracted to a person. LOVE has its reason and that reason is UNKNOWN..."!!!
Happy Valentines day to my all Friends